What interests me as a dancer, mover and artist is how I can fully support an idea and become different things and keep on learning from many areas. I don´t think we as human are one dimensional, but rather have multiple talents and interests and I want to approach my dance and movement in the same way. That´s why I train in many different fields, from Flying Low to Capoeira, a bit of Parkour, Theatre as well as a lot of different Improvisation. But just as important as it is to train and develop the body, it is just as important to develop the intellect and the character. That is why I studied philosophy, did many Vipassana retreats in Thailand, learned different languages and in general try to go through the world with open eyes and an open mind. Through the amazing people and teachers I met I was able to develop a very open and strong approach to contemporary dance. I try never to lose the endless curiosity and openness to discover new approaches and learn from others and share with others. I love creating, for myself I use a lot of Instant Composition and Improvisation, as I am fascinated by the connection of the one idea for that moment exactly for that place and environment. Finding the intelligence of the body and moment and trusting my knowledge and experience is what made me dig so deeply into improvisation and instant composition for the past 5 years. Like Jonathan Burros says „to work at the speed of a thinking (and I would add feeling) body and mind“ is what I aim for. Through having been investigating in this field so much I have discovered a lot of tools and I developed a large creative potential and a very positive energy and attitude towards failing and trying again and better. All this knowledge and experience from Improvisation is at the same supporting me a lot when I dance and create set material. I feel like both areas are actually completing each other and being part of the same moving body rather than being two different areas.