Bewegte Interaktion

Ein Verein zur Vermittlung von zeitgenössischem Tanz und Performance

Bewegte Interaktion is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting contemporary dance and movement as a form of therapy to all members of the community, regardless of income or education level. We strive to make dance accessible to everyone, believing that it can have a transformative effect on individuals and communities alike.
Our projects include performances in public spaces, bringing dance to the streets and sharing it with passersby. We believe that by taking dance out of the traditional theater setting and into the public sphere, we can break down barriers and connect with people in new and unexpected ways.
In addition to performance, we offer community dance classes and workshops that emphasize the benefits of movement and expression for physical and mental well-being. We believe that dance can be a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery, and we are committed to making it available to everyone.
At Bewegte Interaktion, we believe that dance is for everyone, and we are dedicated to creating opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the joy and transformative power of movement. Join us in our mission to bring dance to the community and help us build a more inclusive and vibrant world through the art of movement.

Many years ago we were able to realise the project called “Found” with a guest Choreographer in Theater Odeon, Vienna, all thanks to the funding of SHIFT.

Founders and members: Veronika Kulcsar & Andrea Vezga

„Es lässt sich erahnen, welches Potential da schlummert, das nur darauf wartete sich in einem freien Raum Bahn zu brechen. Bis ins kleinste Detail wird an den Schritten gefeilt.“ Ein Probenbesuch des Teams vom Wissenschaftskommunikationsprojekt „Tanz und Migration“ (Austrian Science Fund (FWF): WPK 32), Autorin: Anja K. Arend
